We had a wonderful time with our other homeschooling friends from church on Monday at a nearby park at the lake with a picnic lunch, playtime, and fellowship. This was our second annual end of the school year party with kids from toddlers to fourteen year olds. I took E and S, along with two other kids out on the paddle boats. I had one condition: THEY had to do the paddling while I relaxed in the back.
An important lesson was learned this week. When your hand-me-down shoes from your son wear out, it is NOT OKAY to buy some from Wal-Mart, when the purpose of the shoes is for running. OUCH! Ordering decent shoes is on the list of things to do right away.
I've had Muffy reading the Sarah, Plain, and Tall trilogy. She's done with the first and is now in the middle of Skylark. I can't wait to watch the Hallmark movies based on the book with her-- some of my favorites. She's also reading Mary Poppins. It is supposed to be very different from the Disney movie. She'd also like to report she is now the proud owner of a 1/2 size violin. She's technically still so tiny she should be in the 1/4 but her teacher thought she's gotten close enough now.
Our family for fun read-aloud is Who, Me? from the Castleberry Farm Mystery Series. Even the older boys love this series about another homeschool family. They all think it is cool that the family also adopted a couple of children from Russia.
I get a half-check for finishing a small wall quilt top for my kitchen. It is a folksy birdhouse. Maybe with it being so small I can get it quilted sometime (then I get a full check to my list). My reading this week has included the Tozer book and Eternal Impact (about discipleship) by Phillip Downer. Tozer has been challenging reading but thought provoking. For example, on the attribute of omniscience, Tozer writes, "Could God at any time or in any manner receive into His mind knowledge that He did not possess and had not possessed from eternity, He would be imperfect and less than Himself." The book is stretching my understanding and view of a very holy, unchangeable, mighty God!
Hope everyone is off to a good start for summer!
OK, I want E to hook me up with a snow cone the next time we come over! Especially in this weather! I love the pic of S with the girls.